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Baby Names – Traditional or Innovative?

The Big Question – Baby Names… Picking a baby name is one of the first big decisions you have to make as parents. The safest might be to go timeless with names such as John, James, Sarah or Elizabeth.

However, there is a trend that involves giving babies extremely odd names. Celebrities are among those who really like to give their children weird, funny and controversial names. Here are some of the strangest, funniest celebrity baby names:


Sylvester Stallone’s son Sage Moonblood


“My Name is Earl” actor Jason Lee’s son Pilot Inspector.


Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin’s daughter Apple


Ashlee Simpson’s son Bronx Mowgli


 Jay Z and Beyoncé’s daughter Blue Ivy


Lil Kim’s daughter Royal Reign


Musician Frank Zappa’s children Moon Unit and Diva Thin Muffin

PRINCE und BLANKET JACKSON auf dem Weg ins Kino in LA

Michael Jackson’s son Prince Michael || Blanket

For those of us that likes to play it safe and are less playful and inventive regarding this big decision, we have included BabyCenter’s list of the most popular baby names of 2016.

Have fun!

BabyCenter Population

U.S. Population

Rank Boy Girl Boy Girl
1 Noah Emma
2 Liam Olivia
3 Mason Ava
4 Ethan Sophia
5 Lucas Isabella
6 Oliver Mia
7 Aiden Charlotte
8 Elijah Harper
9 Logan Abigail
10 James Amelia
11 Benjamin Emily
12 Jacob Madison
13 Jackson Avery
14 Michael Chloe
15 Jack Sofia
16 Alexander Lily
17 William Aria
18 Gabriel Ella
19 Daniel Evelyn
20 Luke Riley
21 Carter Scarlett
22 Matthew Aubrey
23 Owen Layla
24 Henry Elizabeth
25 Grayson Zoe
26 Wyatt Ellie
27 Sebastian Hannah
28 Isaac Natalie
29 Caleb Addison
30 Ryan Grace
31 Andrew Victoria
32 Dylan Zoey
33 Eli Brooklyn
34 Nathan Mila
35 Jaxon Audrey
36 Levi Violet
37 Samuel Nora
38 Joseph Lucy
39 David Skylar
40 Connor Penelope