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Stranger Things’ First Season 4 Spoiler Is Here Portals Will Allow Characters to Travel ‘Outside of Hawkins’

Goodbye Hawkins, hello… Russia? In a new interview, Stranger Things‘ dynamic duo, Matt and Ross Duffer, hint that Season 4 could find Eleven & Co. traveling overseas to (possibly) rescue one of their own.

If you’re reading this story, you know that Season 3 of the Netflix phenom opened the door to the possibility that the presumed dead Hopper may actually be alive and well-ish in Russian captivity, setting up a potential fourth season to revolve around his extraction. Speaking with EW.com, Matt Duffer, hints at how said rescue could go down, revealing that “the biggest thing that’s going to happen” in Season 4 is the show will “open up a little bit… in terms of allowing portals into areas outside of Hawkins.”

An express pathway from Hawkins to Russia (and vice-versa) would allow the series’ myriad characters to travel back and fourth, dramatically altering the show’s geographic DNA in the process. The Duffer brothers are not confirming or denying this theory, but Ross Duffer does reveal to the site that Season 4 (which has not been officially ordered yet) is “going to feel very different than this season. I think that’s the right thing to do and I think it’ll be exciting.”

The fate of Hopper, meanwhile, remains unclear. Asked whether the ‘American’ the Russian guard referred to in the Season 3 finale’s post-credits sequence could be Hopper, Matt Duffer tells EW, “You definitely should not assume anything. The line that Russian guard said is purposely intended to spark debate. We need people to ask the very questions that you’re asking.”

Original article: https://tvline.com/2019/07/09/stranger-things-season-4-spoilers-portals-russia-hopper/