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This Will Be Your New Favorite Hobby

We love reading magazines and discovering new and interesting blogs. Most of our favorite blogs obviously writes about babies, parenting and fashion but we have some exceptions. This week we discovered a new website, and we are head over heels in love with this amazing treasure! For all of us with a creative heart and an artist within this blog will change your life, at least how you spend your time off. We have barley been catch sleep the last couple of days, because our creativity has been running crazy over all the things we want to make. Because we love our readers we will share this amazing secret with you guys…

The amazing website is called StudioDIY and is created by the colorful Kelly Mindell. Her website is a firework and just looking at it makes us happy. Kelly is an entrepreneur and the DIY (Do It Yourself) Queen. On her website she and her team are giving the readers all kinds of recipes on how to make beautiful things. From food and costumes to home décor they got you covered. We can ensure you that you will be able to make beautiful one of a kind items, that will have all your friends jealous.

If you are one of those people saying “but I’m not creative or good with my hands”, don’t worry. The site offers step by step guidance to make the projects doable for everyone. We gave it a go yesterday and made a super cool summer outfit, perfect for festival season. We have included pictures of the orginical StudioDIY jacket and our take on it below! We hope to see other flower girls at Coachella next week! Good luck 🙂

To look at the step by step for the flower jacket go here. 

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